Hey Beauties!
We're starting Avon nail polish reviews with the most classic gel finish from their Gel Finish range.
The Gel Finish range has total of 25 shades that you can choose from. The shades include neutral beige and brown shades as well as most of the colorful shades. The only shades that are missing are green. There could also be a wider range of blues, since I know so many like blue nail polishes. I would also add a classic black.
The nail polishes regular price is 6.50€, but now you can get them 1 for 4.90€ and 2 for 6.90€ here. If you've been wanting to try Avon nail polishes, now it's the time. In each nail polish you get 10 ml of product.
Avon sent me three of their Gel Finish shades to try. They are Creme Brulee, Dazzle Pink and Red Velvet.
Avon Gel Finish Nail Enamel - Creme Brulee
Creme Brulee is a warm toned light nude shade. If I go for nude shades, this is what I go for. I don't like those that look almost brown or too skin like. I still want my nude to look light or lighter than my skin tone and a little more on the white side.
It's the least pigmented of all three nail polishes. That is probably because it is also the lightest. Lighter nail polishes are always less pigmented than darker. You need at least two coats for this one, maybe even three. It can be tricky to get an even application with this one.
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Left - one coat, Right - two coats |
Avon Gel Finish Nail Enamel - Dazzle Pink
Dazzle Pink is salmon pink. You know one of those that looks almost dirty pink and has coral undertone. It also has small silver almost white shimmer in it. The shimmer gives off a really nice sheen, when you're outside and the sun is shining. The shade is one of those pretty pinks, that is not really my style, but I know many would like.
It has good pigmentation, but because it's a light shade, you will need at least two coats to get it really opaque.
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Left - one coat, Right - two coats |
Avon Gel Finish Nail Enamel - Red Velvet
Red Velvet is that kind of ruby red shade, but almost looks like a metal shade. It has small shimmer in it, which makes it look like a liquid metal. It's very neutral rich red shade, perfect for any occasion.
This one is the most pigmented and pretty thick in consistency. It could be opaque in one thick coat, but I always use two.
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Left - one coat, Right - two coats |
Creme Brulee is very thin in consistency and pretty sheer, while Dazzle Pink is a lot thicker and more pigmented. Red Velvet is the thicker in consistency and very pigmented. My guess after trying these three is that the lighter the nail polish, the less pigmented and thinner. If you want to buy darker shades, they'll probably be thicker in consistency and also a lot more pigmented. Keep that in mind, when purchasing.
The finish of these is shiny, like I would expect from a range called Gel Finish. It should mimic that gel nails shine and I think it does. Avon nail polishes are in general not very long lasting on my nails, but I don't even want to state that, because obviously nothing stays on my nails. For example many rave about the long lasting Essie nail polishes, which last about a day on me. So, you know, this always depends, but on my weak nails they don't last particularly long, but they also don't chip the first day.
The brush is regular, straight cut.
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One coat |
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Two coats |
Here you can see how pretty Creme Brulee looks like on my nails. This particular shade makes them look like fake nails, even my boyfriend said so.
Now exciting part. I have too many nail polishes as it is, so I'll be giving away three sets of two nail polishes. Here you can win this set of Avon Gel Finish in Red Velvet and Avon Fringe in Frayed Edges. All you have to do is fill the Rafflecopter down below. I'll email the winner. The giveaway is Slovenian only.
Avon Gel Finish laki, naj bi imeli enak sijaj kot gel nohti.
Avon ima 25 barvnih možnosti in meni so poslali tri odtenke. Redna cena laka je
6.50€, ampak trenutno jih lahko dobite enega za 4.90€ in dva za 6.90€ tukaj.
Creme Brulee je svetel nude odtenek z toplim podtonom. Je
najmanj pigmentiran od vseh treh in potrebna sta vsaj dva sloja. Težko je
enakomerno prekriti celoten noht, da bi bila barva enakomerna.
Dazzle Pink je losos roza odtenek z majhnim srebrnim skoraj
belim šimrom. Šimer daje čudovit sijaj,
ki je viden na soncu. Je dobro pigmentiran odtenek, ampak ker je bolj svetel,
sta potrebna vsaj dva nanosa.
Red Velvet je rubi rdeč odtenek, ki izgleda skoraj kovinsko.
Vsebuje majhen šimer, ki izgleda kot tekoča kovina. Je dobro pigmentiran in en
debel sloj bo dovolj, ampak jaz vedno nanesem dva sloja.
Creme Brulee je zelo tekoč in precej prozoren, med tem ko je
Dazzle Pink veliko bolj pigmentiran in gostejši. Red Velvet je pgost in dobro
pigmentiran. Po teh treh odtenkih lahko sklepam, da svetlejši kot je odtenek
tanjša bo formula in manj bo pigmentiran.
Finiš je res sijoč, kot bi pričakovala. Na meni Avon laki ne
zdržijo dolgo, ampak tega nočem postaviti kot dejstvo, ker na meni skoraj nič ne
zdrži. Na primer Essie laki so na večini zelo obstojni, med tem ko pri meni
gredo dol že prvi dan. No Avon laki niso najbolj vzdržljivi, prav tako pa se ne
krušijo že prvi dan.
Čopič je standarden, ravno odrezan.
V objavah o Avon lakih bom podarila tri sete po dva laka.
Danes sta to Avon Gel Finish Red Velvet in Avon Magic Effects Frayed Edges. Vse
kar morate storiti je izpolniti polja na Rafflecopterju.
Najbolj všeč mi je Red Velvet že zaradi barve in seveda prekrivnosti. :)
ReplyDeleteVsi trije so lepih odtenkov :) škoda, da je prvi slabše pigmentiran :/
ReplyDeleteDrugače pa tudi na mojih nohtih lak redko vsaj 5 dni lepo zdrži, ne da bi se odkrušil.
Očitno preveč delamo :P
Ja, bi morale samo sedet pa roke v luft:). Mah meni malo kateri lak sploh 3 dni zdrži brez praskice:)
DeleteNajbolj všeč mi je Creme Brulee.
ReplyDeleteNajbolj všeč mi je Dazzle Pink, čeprav so vsi trije odtenki naravnost čudoviti :)
ReplyDeleteTa rdeči mi je na prvi pogled najbolj všeč. Mislim, da bom morala kakšen odtenek preiskusit :D
ReplyDeleteČe so ti všeč ti finiši, so vsekakor zanimivi. Izbira odtenkov je res dovolj velika :D
DeleteRed Velvet je božanski <3
ReplyDeleteCreme Brulee mi je najlepši. Tak odtenek, pri katerem ne bi bilo težko cele stekleničke spraznit :)
ReplyDeleteRed Velvet je najlepši, res popoln odtenek rdeče :)