Review: Born Pretty Store Expert Color MMX Rhombus Shape Smooth Lasting Lipstick + giveaway

Hey Beauties!

I mentioned before that Born Pretty Store sent me a set of their lipsticks for swatching purposes. The shades are so pretty, very colorful and perfect for summer time. I'll show you each shade and how it looks and feels. Stay tuned for the end of this post, because I have a giveaway for you.

The lipsticks come in a very basic plastic packaging. I wouldn't say it's the most sturdy or original. It actually look and feels very cheap to me. The typography somehow reminds me of Coca Cola. Does it do that to you too? The longer part with the name on it is actually top of the lipstick. Outside is colored in the color of the actual shade, which is very useful.

It costs 3.45$ and you can buy it here.

They actually sent me all the shades, expect one (102).

The texture of these differs a bit from shade to shade. Most of the shades are very creamy and have shine to it. Pigmentation also depends from shade to shade. Most of them have a good pigmentation, while darker shades have better or very good pigmentation. Some of the darker shades are also more matte, then others and don't have that shine to it, just a sheen of shine. The formula will absolutely cling to any dry patches

In general I find the formula perfect for summer, as it is lightweight and doesn't dry out the lips at all. Because they are creamy, they are not very long lasting, but I find that they last really well for such moisturizing creamy formula. Darker shades leave some stain.

They have no apparent smell to them. If you really sniff the bullet you'll notice sort of clay or modelling clay smell. Not super artificial nor anything pleasantly scented.

It's definitely one of those products that has really good formula, but you have to neglect the cheap packaging. I always say the point is in the product itself, not the packaging, but then again most of expensive brands actually make more money because of the expensive looking packaging. 

The shape of the lipstick is in the shape of rhombus. It's nice that the lipstick has a more precise strait cut edge, if you want to apply it straight from the bullet, but other than that I didn't find the shape to be anything special. I guess, I would almost like it to be the regular shape better than this rhombus.

Shade 101

Violet cool toned fuchsia shade. It's very pigmented and it looks shiny on the lips. It's actually my favorite shade, because it's so unique. 

Shade 103

Warm toned magenta pink. It's very pigmented and it looks shiny on the lips.

Shade 104

Cool toned fuchsia pink. It has good pigmentation and it looks shiny on the lips.

Shade 105

Warm toned coral pink. It's actually more pink, than orange, but I would almost classify it as a light coral. It has good pigmentation and it looks shiny on the lips. This one can look a bit patchy, if you apply too much of it.

Shade 106

Light warm pink. One of those very classic light pink shades. It has good pigmentation and it looks shiny on the lips.

Shade 107

Bright orange. It's crazy how bright this is. It almost looks neon, when I wear it. It's very pigmented and it looks very shiny on the lips. Maybe it's due to the fact that it's darker, but it almost looks the most shiny of them all. It seems to be like a liquid lipstick.

Shade 108

True peach. Also one of my favorite shades, because of the orange tone and warmness. It's very pigmented and it looks shiny on the lips. This one can also look a bit patchy, if you apply too much.

Shade 109

Orange based red. Very lovely warm bright red shade. This one also almost looks neon. Super bright. It's very pigmented and it looks less shiny than others. This one and the shade 112 are the most pigmented and therefore the least shiny. It almost just has a sheen of shine to it.

Shade 110

Warm peach toned pink. It's a warm light pink shade with a touch of peach undertone. It's very pigmented and it looks shiny on the lips. It can also look a bit patchy (if too much is applied at once).

Shade 111

Warm pink. This one is more pink toned then 110, but it's also warm toned. It has good pigmentation and it looks shiny on the lips.

Shade 112

Cool toned red. It's a classic blue toned red, that pretty much suits everyone. It's very pigmented and it looks less shiny than others. This one and the shade 109 are the most pigmented and therefore the least shiny. It almost just has a sheen of shine to it.

Some of the shades look very similar, so let me break it down for those who are interested. 105 is more pink and more cool toned than 110, which is more coral toned and warm toned.

Shade 105 is also a bit lighter compared to 111, which is a bit darker. Those two are indeed very similar. 111 has a bit brighter pink tone to it.

I think the formula is great for two reasons. The lipsticks are mostly very pigmented and they don't dry out the lips. Indeed a very pleasant formula to wear. The thing that I'm not so impressed by is the rhombus shape, the packaging and the fact that it clings to dry patches. I don't think the shape is any more useful and the packaging is just very cheap. Saying that, you should consider the formula first, if you're looking for those kind of gloss almost liquid lipsticks. 

If you decided to invest into some products from Born Pretty Store, you can use my code PETRAH10 and you'll get 10% discount.


Now the fun part - giveaway. Somehow Born Pretty Store sent me two same packages instead of one, so I got double of all the shades. It's not possible for me to use them all. I did give two shades to my lovely friends, so I put the other shades into sets of three. 

You can choose which set you like and fill in the Rafflecopter for it, for a chance to win it. Of course you can fill in more Rafflecopters, if you like more sets. You also need to leave me a comment down below. Tell me which shade of these is you favorite and which other lip product would you like to try from Born Pretty Store.

I tried to put shades in sets that you would like. Of course, there might always be a shade that you won't like, but that's what you have friends for. So that you can give the shades you don't like to them. The first set is more of a cool toned variations of fuchsia, magenta and pink. The second set is warm toned shades of peach, red and coral. The third set is more classic pink shades with classic red. 

Giveaway is SLOVENIAN ONLY, because of the shipping cost. The giveaway starts at 17th July and ends at 28th July.

Cool set

You'll get the shades 101, 103 and 106.

Warm set

You'll get the shades 107, 109 and 110.

Classic set

You'll get the shades 105, 111 and 112.


  1. Kako so vsi odtenki lepi! In vsi ti zelo pašejo <3 Se sploh ne morem odločit kateri mi je najlepši, ampak najprej so mi padli v oči 105,109 in 111. Oblika šmink mi je malo hecna, ampak ok, je vsaj unikatna :D
    Meni so pa zdaj poslali še ene trepalnice (HS-37), ampak še niso prispele :)

    1. Hvala :)) Vidim da so ti všeč bolj topli roza :) Unikatna je res haha :). Trepalnice imajo oni nekatere res super. Saj ne da jih ti sploh rabiš :P :)

  2. Vask odtenek mi je po svoje všeč, ampak najlepši so mi 111, 110, 108, 105 in 103 :) Je pa super ocena, tvoje ocene še posebej rada prebiram :) Pa tudi fotografije so čudovite.

    1. Hvala :)) Tebe so tudi bolj roza pritegnile. 103 je meni tudi zelo všeč, ker je taka bolj živa :)

  3. Wau nikoli nisme pomislila, da imajo tako kremne šminke :D V oči so mi pasli odtenki 111, 109 in 105 ampak so res vsi čudoviti, pa delujejo ful kremasto :D
    Nisem pa nikoli čekirala makeup izdelkov na Born Pretty, nekako nisem upala :D Sem vedno samo stvari za nohte gledala :D

    1. Res so zelo kremaste. Jaz imam zdaj že dve njihovi vrsti šmink in sem res navdušena. Meni je všeč, da so njihove šminke res dobro pgimentirane in kljub temu kremaste. Nikoli nimam problema z izsuševanjem ustnic. Vem da obstaja nek zadržek do Kitajske kozmetike, ampak meni je zaenkrat super:).

  4. NORE šminke.

    Samo, ali so kvalitetne in sestavine itd? Mene je malo strah teh šminkic.

    Ampak kapo dol za obsežno objavo, stavim da ti je fotkanje vzelo več ur.

    1. Meni so všeč zaradi kremne teksture in ker nikoli nimam suhih ustnic po njihovi uporabi. Sestavine sem že čekirala. Sem našla neko aplikacijo na telefonu, ki mi prevede kitajsko znake v angleščino s pomočjo fotoaparata :D Nič se mi ni zdelo grozno sporno, je pa res da se ne spomnim podrobnosti. Saj vem, da se vsi malo bojimo in je še vedno neka stigma okrog njihovih izdelkov. Ampak jaz sem do zdaj še z vsem zelo zadovoljna :).

      Hvala :)) Fotografirala sem res kar ene dve ure, ampak še dlje mi je vzelo urejanje fotografij. Je težko ko imaš 200 fotk, pa potem vse obrezat in... saj veš. Blogger's life :D

  5. Wau, ampak tebi pa res paše vsak odtenek <3 Vsi so zelo lepi, ampak men je še najbolj všeč 106 - mogoče največ zato, ker takega še nimam :)

    1. Hvala :)) Meni se zdi taka umazana klasična roza. Je pa res, da jaz tudi takega odtenka prej nisem imela v zbirki :D

  6. Cist usi odtenki ti pasejo! Srecka si, prekrasen set :)

    1. 106, 105, 110 in 111 so mi najbolj vsec. Kar je extremno cudno, ker so vse roza :)

    2. Hvala :)) Hehe:D Jaz sem se vedno tako branila roza odtenkov, zdaj pa so mi tudi všeč. Med temi so tudi dokaj nosljivi odtenki, taki za vsak dan in za vse barve kože :)

  7. Takega presenečenja se lahko vsaka razveseli. Res sami lepi odtenki šmink :) sploh ne vem, za katerega bi lahko rekla, da je najlepši, ker so vsi po svoje lepi. Mogoče so mi v oči najprej padli odtenki 101, 103, 104, 105 in 108. Mi je pa tekstura všeč, sem bolj za kremne kot pa mat, mat mi ustnice večkrat izsušijo. Pa videti so dobro pigmentirane. Je pa tudi oblika šminke zanimiva, malo drugačna :D

    1. 101 je meni res najbolj zanimiva. Se mi zdi da ravno zato, ker nikoli ne nosim takega odtenka :D. Potem sva si podobni. Meni tudi večina mat šmink zelo izsuši ustnice, čeprav mi je pa ekstremno všeč mat efekt na ustnicah. Edino MAC mat šminka je taka, da ne čutim pretirane izsušitve. Te so pa res zelo kremaste :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, res lepi odtenki! Najbolj pa teli v classic set, ker so res uporabni, vseeno pa imam podobnih odtenkov v svoji zbirki najmanj. :D Všeč pa mi je to, da so kremne, saj imam zadnje čase zelo izsušene ustnice in sem za nekaj časa opustila mat šminke, da si malo opomorejo. :) (Natalija)

    1. Jaz imam tudi neke probleme s suhimi ustnicami zadnje čase. Ta vročina in klima, mi nista všeč.

  10. Meni sta najbolj všeč 109 in 112 :) Drugače pa vse izgledajo super :)

    x, Katja

  11. Vse so čudovite šminke. <3 se je izjemno težko samo za kak odtenek odločit :-) sta mi pa 111 in 103 ter 109 res top odtenki. :-)

  12. Vse so čudovite šminke. <3 se je izjemno težko samo za kak odtenek odločit :-) sta mi pa 111 in 103 ter 109 res top odtenki. :-)

  13. Embalaža sicer res izgleda bolj tako-tako, odtenki so pa super. Najbolj všeč so mi 105, 106, 110 in 111, tebi pa drugače vsi lepo pristojijo :) Kudos za uporabne fotke in swatche :)

  14. O waw, prav vsi odtenki ti pristajajo! Sem kar malo jealous, da ti oranžni odtenki na tebi tako krasno izgledajo :) Drugače so pa meni osebno najbolj všeč 112, 110 in 105. Me pa mika kupit te njihove matte liquid šminke ali pa tiste The Hot Shop :)

    1. Hvala :)) Mat tudi mene zelo zanimajo. Sploh kakšni nevtralni odtenki:) The Hot Shop imam tudi eno in je super. Vsekakor še kakšno preizkusim in ti zagotovo priporočam ;)

  15. wau, res so vse lepe ! meni je drugače najbolj všeč odtenek 110, če res morem izbrat enega !
    Imam pa nagledane te The Hot Shop šminke :3

    1. The Hot Shop so odlične. Jaz tudi razmišljam, da bi še kakšno vzela, ker je formula res čisto po mojem okusu :)

  16. Si pa dobila lepo presenečenje :D meni so najbolj všeč oranžni odtenki, pa tut drugi so privlačni. Zadnje čase najrajši nosim oranžne tone, sploh mat šminke :) teh kremastih mi malo primanjkuje hehe. Drugače pa sem na njihovi strani že gledala mat šminke, pa se potem nisem odločila za nakup ker sem malo skeptična glede te kitajske robe ... se vedno spomnim na kitajske trgovine in njihove stvari :) tak da bi bilo lepo prej sprobat kak njihov izdelek, preden karkoli naročim :)

    1. Jaz bi tudi raje mat nosila, samo imam na žalost precej suhe ustnice. Včasih si naredim več škode s tem. Te razumem. Jaz sem bila dokaj dobro presenečena nad večino njihovimi izdelki. Je pa res, da vsi niso super in vsi niso slabi. Je pa težko tako an blef kupit ja :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Šminke resnično zgledajo čudovito, tudi na ustnicah! Mene kot vedno najbolj pritegnejo oranžni odtenki-108, 107, 109, čeprav mi je tudi 105 zelo všeč. Drugače pa super post in čudovite fotografije!

  19. Wau, šminke izgledajo čudovito. Lep post :) Najbolj všeč so mi 105, 109 in 112 :)

  20. Omg, kako so krasni. Pa kako me lahko vprašaš, kateri mi je najlepši, ko na tebi vsi tako krasno izgledajo. :) Res si se zelo potrudila s tem postom. :D

  21. Joj kako ti paše 107 <3 Vsi odtenki so lepi, me pa nekako vleče k 110 in 111 :)
    BPS ima čudovite matte "glosse" ampak se je pa težko znajt z njihovih swatchev in kupuješ precej na slepo:(
    Hvala za giveaway!

    1. Hvala :)) <3 110 je meni tudi zelo všeč. Sploh ti topli roza odtenki so zdaj moje novo okritje :).
      Jaz sem tudi že gledala te glose. Imaš pa popolnoma prav. Jaz vedno naročim po občutki, ker vem da nikoli ne bo točno tak odtenek kakor kaže. Razen če si pogledaš costumers phtoos, če imajo pot izdelki. Tisto je potem že bolj točno :)
