When Essence came out with their pigments, I was too excited. I already had ideas of how I will turn my home made lip butters into great pigmented lipsticks. Unfortunately, I used too little pigments and now finally I have made it right. I wanted to share how I made these very simple home made lipsticks or cream blushes, using pigments.
For this you will need:
- pigments (I used Essence pigments)
- beeswax
- oils (I used sweet almond oil)
- butters (I used mango butter)
- Vitamin E oil (optional )
- heat source (I used a candle)
- pot or spoon, in which you will melt everything together
- old lipstick, lip balm tubes or any small container (I used plastic lip balm containers, which I bought on Ebay)
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Pigments form left to right: 13 paparedzzi, 12 miss piggy's lollipop, 06 WOW it's orange! |
As far as ingredients goes. Pigments will give it color, beeswax will make it stick to the lips and solidify, oils will make it glide on (plus vitamin benefits) and butters will make it glide on as well and help it to solidify.
The measurements are:
- the more pigments you add, the more pigmented and therefore drier it will be
- the less pigments you add, the more sheerer it will be
- the more beeswax you add, the more sold it will be, therefore hard - harder application
- the more butters you add, the more silkier the application it will be, also greasier
- the more oils you add the more sheer it will be - therefore not very long lasting
My measurements:
- my ration is: 1/2 : 1 : 1 (I used half a teaspoon of beeswax, one teaspoon of oils and butters and one teaspoon of pigments)
- to make one very pigmented lipstick I used: 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of beeswax, 3 teaspoons of oils and 3 teaspoons of pigments = this is a very pigmented, solid lipstick, which is long lasting, but also more drying on the lips
- to make one sheerer lipstick I used: 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of beeswax, 3 teaspoons of oils, 1 teaspoon of butter and 3 teaspoons of pigments
- to make very sheer small cream blush I used: 1/2 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of oils and 1 teaspoon of pigments
- to make the product last at least a year you can add a few drops of Vitamin E oil, which is a natural preservative
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Very pigmented lipstick |
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Sheerer lipstick |
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Very sheer cream blush |
Be aware:
- pigments differ between different bands. For some you may need to add a lot (like Essence) to get it really pigmented, for some you may need to add just a pea-sized amount
- matte pigments will make the lipstick more opaque then pigments, which contain shimmer - those will make sheerer lipstick
- butters differ - some are more buttery than others, so you will need to take that into account while making it
You can play around if you have any pigments lying around the house. I am sure you have oils in your home that you can use (like olive oil or coconut oil) and even some butters (cocoa butter or coconut butter).
How to make it:
- I recommend melting the beeswax first, then butters, then oils and at the end, adding pigments.
- You can melt it in a double boiler, or if you are making smaller quantities, just use a candle and hold a metal spoon on top of it
- If you will pour it into lipstick containers, then I recommend stirring all the time, after you have melted it down. Hold it away from fire and when you see it getting a bit solid, then pour it into container.
So, these are my lipstick / cream blushes. Because you all know, lipstick can be used as blush, anyway. This is a 2-in-1 product for me. I even think those new cream blushes from Essence have the same texture as my home made sheer lipstick.
The lipsticks are very pigmented, therefor they may stain your lips and cheeks. I would recommend using natural oils or oil based cleansers to get them off the skin completely.
Other than that, those are pretty natural home made products (except for the pigments :) ) and the whole fun about it is, you can mix pigments together and make your costume shades.

With Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream
With Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream
Would you try this? What costume shade would you make for yourself?
Waaa super si naredila!:)Ful so dobro pigmentirana:) Veš, da sem ravn ta teden želela objavit moje diy rdečilo pa bom zdj raje malo počakala:D Pa ful si lušna, krasno kožo imaš:) xx
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) Eh daj, ti kar objavi;)-ziher imaš kaj drugače kot jaz. Saj vem kako je, ko nekaj preizkušaš. Jaz sem že ene 5-krat poskusila, pa mi ni uspelo in potem sem končno ugotovila, da moram dodat zelo veliko pigmenta:)
DeleteAwesome! To bi naredila z Wow! that's orange k ga imam, samo mi je škoda kupovat vosek, ker ga ne bi nikol več rabila. Zmešam potem samo s prozornim glosom, samo je packarija :)
ReplyDeleteJa to se ti potem res ne splača :/. Če mogoče poznaš koga, ki ima čebelnjak, ti lahko da en delček tiste ploščice, ki je iz čebeljega voska, ker čebelarji to nastavljajo čebelam. Mogoče najdeš še kje na netu za kupit, ker so zelo poceni, enih 20 centov za eno ploščico, ki je ogromna. :)
DeleteSuper ideja in super ti je ratalo, sploh ta najbolj živ rdeči odtenek zmaga! :D Bom naštudirala še sama kaj bi rada naredila, kakšne odtenke, mogoče mi končno uspe da dobim res temno rjavo-rdečkasto šminko ki jo že tak dolgo iščem. A bi lahko uporabila vazelin od Balee namesto čebeljega voska?
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Lahko, ampak ne bo tako pigmentirana. Bo bolj obarvan lip gloss. Problem je, da rabiš nekaj kar se bo zelo strdilo, da bo kompaktno;)
DeleteHvala za nasvet :) Ne vem če si že kje napisala, kje si kupila čebelji vosek in mandljevo olje? Cena?
DeleteKupila sem tukaj http://tovarnaorganika.si/ Oboje. Olje je 6 € 250ml, voska pa zgleda več nimajo. Imajo še sojin vosek, ki je prav tako dober, pride 4 € za 350g. Drugače pa imaš tukaj ogromno zanimivih stvari:)
DeleteSuper ideja! :) Mislim da bi lahko to preizkusila glede na to da imam milijon pigmentov doma :D Lušna punca ;)
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) No me veseli, da sem ti dala kakšno idejo;)
DeleteWau ful dobr! Vse šminke so mi všeč, bom mogla enkrat probat! Gre tole pod zaznamke!
ReplyDeleteHvala:)) Me veseli;)
Deletewow, kako dobra ideja :) sem tudi sama že razmišljala o izdelavi svoje šminke, mogoče pa poskusim :)
DeleteI love DIY's like this! You made some lovely lip colors!
DeleteWOW! These colours are amazing..not sure if I would want to make them though but certainly good pigmentation, lovely.
Becka! :) x
DeleteAmazing ideja pa še super ti je ratalo. Mogoče se pa tudi sama spravim k temu enkrat ko mi bo dolgčas :)
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Priporočam, če imaš preveč prostega časa, hehe;)
DeleteKul DIY! Škoda, da nimam kakšnega pigmenta doma.. Ampak saj bi se dalo dejansko tudi senčilo uporabiti. Bom preizkusila, me zanima kaj bo nastalo:)
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Jap, samo mora biti dobro pigmentirano;)
DeleteTo pa je res odličen post. Mogoče se kdaj poigram s tem. Pa rdeča ti noro dobro paše. :D
ReplyDeleteHvala:) je prav zabavno ustvarjati;)
DeleteJaz se vsekakor ne bom igrala s tem, ampak vsaka ti čast, da se ti. Enostavno obvladaš. Čeprav izgleda enostavno, ampak mislim da sploh ni.
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Ja nekajkrat je res treba preizkusiti, da potem končno ugotoviš prave mere:)
DeleteZelo dober post in super ideja! Fajn da si to delila z nami, naslednjič ko bom v Mullerju grem takoj pigmente pogledat, pa da vidimo če mi uspe po tvojih navodilih kaj narest :)
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Hehe, no se veselim, če ti bo uspelo mi javi;)
DeleteSuper, da si objavila tole, ker že nekaj časa študiram, kako se naj zraven spravim, tako da hvala :) Pa zadnja slikca je zakon...ful ti paše rdeča ;)
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Držim pesti, da uspe;)
DeleteTole si pa res zakon spacala, si morm enkrat uzet čas pa še sama probat :D Pa kok si lušna! ^_^
ReplyDelete♥, moonchild beauty blog
hehe..hvala:) no če ti kaj uspe, deli z mano;)
DeleteWaw, ful zakon barve so ven prišle!
ReplyDeleteSandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
DeleteThank you so much! I've been looking for help on how to make my lip butters more pigmented. Your info and explaination is excellent.
ReplyDeleteWhen you add the Elizabeth Arden cream, is that as a base?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you find it helpful, I hope it will turn out as you wish;) No Elizabeth Arden cream was used purely as a top coat over the lipstick, to show that on top of those lipsticks you can still put lip gloss or in my case Elizabeth Arden cream to add shine or make it glossier. I used it on top of lipstick:)
DeleteMy very pigmented lip colour seems to sorta clump/ or spread unevenly on my lips once i begin to talk. Should i put less beeswax or oils in the recipe?
ReplyDeleteMaybe the pigment has not spread evenly between the wax and oils. You can reheat it and mix it well and still mix it until it gets semi hardened and then pour it into the packaging. I would advise you also to add more oil, but very little, because it can be overdone very quickly. Just try to melt it a few times and add some more oils, until you get the desired texture. It should be a lot more creamier and not clumpy anymore. I hope it works out ;)
DeleteBeetroot powder is perfect for matte cream blush! And mica mineral coloration is a great natural alternative too :)
ReplyDeleteYees, I've heard of mica, but didn't find a shop in our country to buy it:). Never heard of betroot powder, but I'll look into it:).
DeleteIve noticed you don't add the mango butter to the very pigmented recipe. is there a reason why? i cannot seem to get my lipsticks that pigmented but i use a lipstick base from tkb. i am going to try your recipe but just wondering about the mango butter and when it should or shouldn't be added
ReplyDeleteThe reason being, that this lipstick would be too buttery, which means less pigmented. I decided to not add butter, but you can add butter, but not oils. It just means that the proportion of butters and oils is less than beeswax, which is the one ingredient that hardens the most. You could add just beeswax and pigments, but the lipstick would be so hard, that you wouldn't be able to put it on your lips. That is why I also added some oils, so the application is a bit easier. I guess if you have a lipstick base and it seems too buttery or slippery to you, just add a bit more beeswax and it should be fine. How much, I can't tell you. But you can always melt the mixture again and correct it ;). I hope it works out and you get a lipstick as you'd like:).
DeleteThank you for this DIY recipe ☺ I have all the ingredients needed except for the pigments. My local Shoppers Drug Mart carries the Essence brand cosmetics, but they didn't have the pigment powders 😕 (I drove to the nearest Shoppers store within 30 minutes of reading your recipe 😀). Where did you get your Essence pigments? I *really* want to make these lipsticks and blush! PS: Since I haven't been able to find the Essence pigments, (yet! But I'll keep looking & check some other stores), do you think I could use some small chunks of inexpensive lipstick? If I *can* do this, should I alter the amount of Shea/Cocoa/Mango butter, or still use the same amount as called for in your recipe? I'm assuming that if I use lipstick for a colour agent that my finished product might be more sheer-looking. Thanks again for posting this ... I'm also going to try your recipe for Body Butter tonight because I have all of the required ingredients on hand ☺. Oh ... one more question: can I add Peppermint Essential Oil to this lipstick recipe? (I'm also going to try adding some essential oils to the body butter recipe)
ReplyDeleteI bought those pigments a while ago, but they are not still in their regular range. You can order some mica pigments online - those are the most pure pigments for those kind of things. I also know that you can just add regular crayons (because they are non toxic - children can actually eat those) :).Maybe crayons would be a better choice, because I don't know what exactly is in certain brands of lipstick. Some ingredients may clash together, although in theory you could also try with old lipstick for sure. If you're gonna do this, you definitely need to alter the butters depending on how creamy your lipstick already is. I can't tell you the exact measurements, but I like to play on a little spoon. Just try adding the butters and wax little by little and you'll see when you'll get the desired consistency :). Yes, you're right, the lipstick would be much sheerer. You can definitely add essential oils. Just try to include essential oils into the other oils measurements - otherwise, again your lipstick might come out too sheer if you add butter, oils and then also essential oils. Well then I hope everything comes out as you wish. Do let me know. Have fun with DIY;)
DeleteHi again,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your reply. I'm in Canada (Ontario) and I know if 2 online retailers who carry tons of DIY beauty supplies, such as mica powders. Blue Sapphire and New Directions both have oodles of products from essential oils, butters, colourants and various bottles/jars/tubes/containers (no I don't work for them or receive any kind of discount for promoting them :) I just really like them and can almost always find what I need -- and several things I didn't realize I needed, but really wanted lol) I will order some mica from them and make your lipstick recipe. By the way, I made your body butter recipe and I LOVE IT!!! I scented mine with an essential oil blend and it smells and feels amazing on my skin! Thanks, I love your blog & I've bookmarked your page because I know I'll be back again and again.
:-) Happy DIY'ing! From, Lisa.
Sorry, those suppliers should've been : www.saffireblue.ca and www.newdirectionsaromatics.ca (they also have a US site for my friends south of the border :)
ReplyDeleteWow, those web stores really do have, everything! I wish I could get that wide range of products in Europe and for those prices. You're lucky:) Well then I hope the lipsticks come out just as great. My body butter smelled not so nice - because the mango butter had pretty harsh smell, so I'm sure you're smells amazing:). Thanks for commenting and I hope we write again.
DeleteHappy DIYing to you too;)
Hi again Petra,
ReplyDeleteBoth of those suppliers will ship internationally, although newdirections.ca requires a wire transfer for payment, (you may feel differently but I personally didn't like that option). The other site, saffireblue.ca requires a 10.00 shipping and handling fee, but you don't have to pay via wire transfer. Can you see my email address? I know it doesn't show up for public viewing but if you, as the site owner, can see it please email me and perhaps we can make an arrangement for me to place the order for you and I could mail or Fed Ex it to you. Don't worry, I'm not a crazy psycho ...lol, but I bet all the crazy psycho's say that! :)
As for your body butter recipe I did change it slightly, but only because I didn't have mango butter on hand. Instead I used 1/2 shea butter and 1/2 cocoa butter, and I used some essential oils as well. I will definitely make your recipe again - I've already ordered some mango butter :) I'm going to make an unscented version, following your recipe exactly, for a friend who can't wear scents because she gets headaches.
Let me know privately if you want me to order anything for you from those Canadian sites ... I also know of another site who's warehouse is not too far from where I live. I can give you the website address, (I just can't remember it at the moment but I have it bookmarked).
Have a great day, (or night ... I have no idea what the time change is between your area and mine) :)
Hi Lisa.
DeleteThanks, I'll definitely remember to ask you, when I decide to order something from those sites. Thanks for the offer;). You're a great friend to make this for her. It will be a nice Christmas gift as well:).
Hehe, still day here so.. I suppose I wish you a great day as well;)
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