Day makeup using Avon products

Hey Beauties!

Today I will show you natural day makeup look with little pop of color and two lip choices. Avon offered to send me some of their products, which I haven't tried yet and wanted me to do a day and night makeup. Today is part 1, a simple day makeup and you can expect part 2 night makeup soon. They also send me some extra product that I can give away. Yey! It's a photo heavy post, so get prepared.

Spodaj tudi prevod v slovenščini.

Avon Luxe Eyeshadow in Cocoa Couture

This is a pretty neutral brown palette with a little pop of pink color in the middle. You get 9 grams and it costs 8.90€ (regular price 13.50€). You can choose from 7 different color combinations. I especially love the gold packaging from the Luxe range. I'm a sucker for gold. 

The shades are pretty well pigmented. The first matte pink nude is a bit less pigmented. The second colorful matte pink shade is actually the least pigmented in my opinion. The third very light brown has very little shimmer and good pigmentation. Fourth olive toned dark brown also has small shimmer and good pigmentation. The last chocolate brown matte shade is the most pigmented shade in the palette, which surprised me, since it is matte. 

I started by using the fourth dark brown shade in the crease to get some definition. The I used second pink shade in the outer part of the lid as a base. This will give me some colorful base. I then went over the entire lid with the third light brown shade, to achieve a very neutral shade with some color. I also used the same light brown shade all over the lower lash line.

Avon Alway On Point Eyeliner in Lavender Grey

This is a pencil eyeliner, but it seems to be more like a cream eye pencil. I have to say it's genius. I don't know how exactly it works, but I assume the product is in the cap or the top of the packaging. When you swirl the cap on the pencil it makes a click sound. It puts the product on the top and also perfectly sharpens the pencil to a point. That means whenever you use up the tip, you just screw the cap back on and voila, perfect tip. Isn't that just genius? Where was I when this was invented?! I hate eye pencils for this reason, because I don't feel like sharpening them up 5 times in between creating my liner.

I got the shade Lavender Grey, which is indeed a grey shade with a lavender undertone. It has a metallic finish and a lot of shimmer in it. That means it will be more of a reflective eyeliner. 

Unfortunately I didn't find the liner in the catalog and when I asked the representatives they said that it won't be available for a while. Such a shame.

Then I used an eyeliner and did my wing as always. You can do it without the wing, if you prefer that. 

Luxe Volume Extravagance Mascara in Caviar Black

The mascara costs 8.50€ (regular price 11.90€) and you get 7 ml of it. I have to say this didn't really impress me. It's a volume mascara and I do get some volume, but if I put too much on, it also makes them a bit sticky and doesn't separate them. I guess if you like that thick volume effect, you'll love this one.

I'm also not crazy about the very big and fluffy brush. It's a personal thing. I prefer silicon small brushes. I find this brush to be too big for me. It's sometimes hard to get to the very roots of the lashes.

After curling the lashes I applied the mascara.

Avon Luxe Lipstick in Lustering Nude

Luxe lipsticks cost 6.50€ (regular price 9.90€) and you get 3.6 grams of product. You can also choose from a range of 16 shades. The packaging is again pretty luxurious gold plastic.

I got the shade Lustering Nude, which I think it's the wrong name. It's definitely not nude for me. It's light peach red shade with shimmer. The shimmer in the lipstick gives your lips that shine that makes them look bigger and juicier. I know the shimmer might bother some people, but I think the range is geared toward mature users and I get the idea. The shimmer makes the lips fuller and as we all know they do get thinner with age. I personally love the look of shimmer and this very sheer peach red shade, but I hate the fact that when it wears off, it leaves behind shimmer. That's annoying. 

And that is my pretty natural makeup for the day or for anyone that doesn't want to wear obvious makeup and wants to just enhance the natural features of the face. 

Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipstick in Petal Pink

It costs 5.70€ (regular price 8.50€) and you get 3 grams of product. You know my love for the Ultra Color Indulgence range, so I won't go into detail. They are basically very pigmented moisturizing lipstick that give you nice shine and amazing color. You can read my reviews and see the swatches of these lipsticks here: Part 1, Part 2 and other.

I got another shade that I can ass to my collection and it's called Petal Pink. Petal Pink is a cool toned fuchsia pink. It's actually very similar to Hibiscus. I guess Petal Pink is a bit more cooler (blue) toned than Hibiscus. It's also a bit lighter. Hibiscus is a tiny bit darker and more pink. 

I wanted to show you a bit more colorful version of day makeup. One of the easiest things that you can do is use colorful lipstick. Now this one is not my first choice, because it doesn't necessarily compliments my skin tone, but it would look amazing on maybe a bit more cool toned skin. Previous peach variation was for those with warmer yellow skin tone and this would be better choice for those with cooler pink skin tone. 

Here are the swatches from left to right: Avon Always On Point Eyeliner in Lavender Grey, Avon Luxe Lipsticks in Lustering Nude and Avon Ultra Color Indulgence Lipstick in Petal Pink.


Avon was also kind enough to get me some extra makeup bits that I can give away to you. You can get Avon Luxe Eyeshadow palette in Cocoa Couture, Avon Luxe lipstick in Lustering Nude and Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance mascara in Caviar Black. 

I'm sorry, but this is for Slovenians only, because the shipping is too expensive. So, if you like any of the makeup products that are in the giveaway, feel free to fill in the boxes in the Rafflecopter below. I will contact the winner through email.

Danes vam bom pokazala nevtralen makeup z malo barvitosti. Predstavila vam bom tudi dve verziji šmink. Avon se je ponudil, da mi pošlje nekatere njihove izdelek, ki jih še nisem preizkusila. Z njim bom ustvarila en dneven in en nočen makeup. Danes je tukaj prvi del, preprost dnevni makeup. Drugi del lahko pričakujete kmalu. Poslali so mi tudi nekaj izdelkov, ki jih bom podarila na koncu te objave. Jej! Objava je polna fotografij, zato se pripravite.

Avon Luxe paleta senčil v odtenku Cocoa Couture

To je precej nevtralna rjava paleta z dodatkom barvitega roza odtenka na sredini. Cena za paleto je 8.90€ (redna cena 13.50€) in v njej je 9 gramov izdelka. Izbirate lahko med 7 različnimi kombinacijami. Še posebej mi je všeč zlata embalaža iz Luxe linije. Kaj naj rečem, obožujem zlato.

Odtenki so kar dobro pigmentirani. Prvi mat roza nevtralen odtenek je malo manj pigmentiran. Drugi barvit mat roza odtenek je po mojem mnenju najmanj pigmentiran. Tretji svetlo rjav odtenek z majhnim šimrom je dobro pigmentiran. Četrti rjav odtenek z olivnim podtonom in bleščicami je prav tako dobro pigmentiran. Zadnji čokoladno rjav odtenek je najbolj pigmentiran odtenek, kar me je presenetilo, glede na to, da je mat.

Paleto sem uporabila tako, da sem najprej uporabila četrto temno čokoladno barvo in z njo ustvarila malo definicije v gubi očesa. Potem sem uporabila barvit mat odtenek na zunanji polovici veke. Ta odtenek mi je služil kot barvna podlaga. Preko celotne veke sem nato nanesla tretji svetlo rjav odtenek, da sem ustvarila precej nevtralen očesni makeup z kančkom barve. Enako svetlo rjav odtenek sem uporabila tudi okrog spodnjih trepalnic.

Avon Always On Point svinčnik za oči v odtenku Lavender Grey

To je svinčnik za oči, ki pa izgleda kot kremen svinčnik. Povedati moram, da je genialen. Ne vem kako točno deluje, ampak predvidevam da je izdelek v zgornjem delu embalaže oziroma v pokrovu. Ko dam pokrov na svinčnik, je produkt prenesen na vrh svinčnika. Prav tako je perfektno ošiljen. To pomeni, da kadarkoli porabite vrh izdelka, pokrov spet navijete na izdelek in voila, popolnoma ošiljen vrh. Ni to genialno? Kje sem bila ko so to izumili? Sovražim svinčnike za oči ravno zaradi tega, ker jih moram med eno uporabo petkrat ošiliti.

Dobila sem odtenek Lavender Grey, ki je siv odtenek s sivkinim podtonom. Ima kovinski finiš in veliko šimra. To pomeni, da je bolj refkletiven liner. 

Na žalost izdelka nisem našla v katalogu in ko sem po njem vprašala predstavnico Avona, mi je rekla, da ga še nekaj časa ne bo na voljo. Škoda.

Potem sem uporabila svinčnik za oči in naredila rahel wing. Če ne marate tega izgleda, lahko samo navadno obrobite oči.

Luxe Volume Extravagance maskara v odtenku Caviar Black

Cena maskare je 8.50€ (redna cena 11.90€) in v njej je 7 ml izdelka. Moram povedati, da me ta izdelek ni preveč navdušil. Je maskara za volumen in res da nekaj volumna, ampak če uporabim preveč, postanejo moje trepalnice lepljive in jih ne morem več ločiti. Če vam je všeč efekt debelih trepalnic z volumnom, potem vam bo ta maskara všeč.

Tudi ogromna krtačka mi ni všeč. Tukaj gre čisto za osebno preferenco. Jaz imam na sploh raje silikonske majhne krtačke. Zame je ta krtačka prevelika. Včasih je težko doseči koren trepalnic.
Potem ko sem zavihala trepalnice, sem uporabila to maskaro na spodnjih in zgornjih trepalnicah.

Avon Luxe šminka v odtenku Lustering Nude

Cena Luxe šmink je 6.50€ (redna cena 9.90€) in v njih je 3.6 gramov izdelka. Izbirate lahko med 16 odtenki. Embalaža je spet lepa luksuzno zlata plastika.

Dobila sem odtenek Lustering Nude, ki ima napačno ime. Zame vsekakor to ni nude odtenek. Je svetlo breskvasto rdeč odtenek z veliko šimra. Šimer v šminki daje čudovit sijaj in z njim ustnice izgledajo večje in sočne. Vem, da bo šimer verjetno marsikatero motil, ampak mislim, da je linija namenjena starejšim uporabnicam in razumem idejo. Šimer naredi ustnice polnejše, ker vsi vemo, da ustnice z leti postajajo bolj tanke. Meni osebno je šimer všeč, prav tako ta lahko breskvast rdeč odtenek. Ni mi všeč, da ko šminka zbledi, ostane na ustnicah samo šimer. To je lahko res nadležno.

In to je moj precej nevtralen dnevni makeup za vsakogar, ki noče nositi na daleč vidnega makeupa, ampak vseeno želi malo poudariti svoje obrazne poteze.

Avon Ultra Color Indulgence šminka v odtenku Petal Pink

Cena šminke je 5.70€ (redna cena 8.50€) in v njej je 3 grame izdelkov. Poznate mojo ljubezen do Ultra Color Indulgence šmink, zato ne bom šla v podrobnosti. V bistvu so zelo pigmentirane vlažilne šminke, ki dajo ustnicam lep sijaj in čudovito barvo. Moje ocene šmink si lahko preberete tukaj: del 1, del 2 in ostalo.

Dobila sem še en odtenek, ki ga lahko dodam moji kolekciji. Imenuje se Petal Pink. Petal Pink je roza fuksija z hladnim podtonom. Je zelo podobna odtenku Hibiscus. Petal Pink je bolj hladen odtenek (z modrim podtonom) kot Hibiscus. Je tudi malo svetlejši odtenek. Hibiscus je malo temnejši in bolj roza.

Želela sem vam predstaviti bolj barvito verzijo dnevnega makeupa. Ena najlažjih načinov kako  dodati barvo v makeup je, da dodate barvito šminko. Ta odtenek ni moja prva izbira, ker se ne ujema preveč z mojim podtonom kože. Izgledala bi odlično na nekom z hladnim podtonom kože. Prejšnja breskvasta verzija je bolj primerna za te z toplim rumenim podtonom kože, med tem ko je ta roza bolj primerna za nekoga z hladnim roza podtonom kože.

Na fotografiji lahko vidite kako izgledajo izdelki od leve proti desni: Avon Always on Point svinčnik za oči v odtenku Lavender Grey, Avon Luxe šminka v odtenku Lustering Nude in Avon Ultra Color Indulgence šminka v odtenku Petal Pink.


Avon je bil tako prijazen, da mi je poslal nekaj makeup izdelkov, ki jih lahko podarim vam. Lahko dobite Avon Luxe paleto s senčili v odtenku Cocoa Couture, Avon Luxe šminko v odtenku Lustering Nude in Avon Luxe Volume Extravagance maskaro v odtenku Caviar Black.

Nagrada je na voljo za vse slovenske bralce. Če so vam kateri makeup izdelki všeč, izpolnite Rafflecopter obrazec. Zmagovalca bom kontaktirala preko elektronske pošte. 

Other products used:
Borujois Healthy Mix foundation
Makeuo Revolution The One foundation in shade 1
Revlon Colorstay concealer
Avon Ideal Flawless concealer in Fair
ELF High Definition Powder
MAC Pinch Me blush
Elf Blush palette - shade 1
The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer
Elf Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder in St. Lucia - bronzer


  1. Kako si lepa. <3 In omg, kako ti roza šminka paše. :D

    1. Hvala Tatjana:)) <3 Nekako se še vedno nisem spoprijateljila z roza odtenki, čeprav mi nekateri postajajo všeč:)

  2. In the first look I used MAC Pinch Me and in the second I used Elf blush from their blush palette in Light- the first shade. Thanks Azize:) <3

  3. Jaz sem s Tayo - roza šminka looks so good on you :) Čeprav imaš topel podton, si dosti svetla, da lahko nosiš take barve. Svinčnik z vgrajenim šilčkom zveni obetavno :)

    1. Hvala Mateja:)) Meni so tudi taki odtenki postali všeč. Sploh ti svetli. Ma saj niti nisem vedela kako naj razložim. Se mi zdi, da je v pokrovu izdelek in se dobesedno spet naloži na vrh ko ga zategneš. Poleg tega pa se še ošili. Ker svinčnik se ne zvija ven in nič. Torej mora biti izdelek v pokrovu. Meni je res super inovativno:)

  4. Kakšna srečnica, da so ti vse to poslali, res super! :)
    Paleta senčil, vsaj embalaža in odtenki, so videti božansko. Ampak glede svetlih odtenkov pa ... za enkrat še nisem uspela najti takšnih, ki bi bili res dobro pigmentirani. Lahko bi res kar rekla, da sem nora na nude odtenke, ampak kaj mi to pomaga, če se pa potem pri nanosu odtenek sploh ne vidi in ga je zato potrebno kar večkrat nanesti.
    Šminki sta pa top! Zagotovo obe pašeta na tvoj obraz. Roza odtenek je res zelo lep, sem pa bolj bleda od tebe in ja, tako kot si zapisala zase, se ne ujema z mojim podtonom kože, čeprav na tebi res odlično paše! :) Je pa zato Lustering Nude čisto meni pisan na kožo, takšnih odtenkov se nikakor ne morem naveličati :D

    1. Ja in sem bila vesela, da so mi poslali še dodaten set, ki ga lahko podarim:)) Res je. Pastelne odtenke težko najdeš dobro pigmentirane. Sploh v naših drogerijah se mi zdi misija nemogoče:/. Hvala:)) Potem imaš bolj rumenkasto kožo, ker meni tudi Lustering Nude bolj paše, se zlije z mano:).

  5. Waaau, kako si lepa. <3 Tak look ti zelo paše, pa roza šminka res super izgleda na tebi. :))

  6. Ful lepa, zelo ti paše tak svež look :) xx
